Security Policy

Tried and trusted for generations, Chorley Building Society provides professional services and information to our members in safe and secure correspondence. We take member security and privacy seriously in everything we do.

This page outlines our security policy. It highlights the safest ways to communicate, explains responsibilities and liabilities, and raises awareness of risks to secure correspondence.


If you send us an email please keep the amount of confidential information you include to an absolute minimum.

Please note that open emails are not secure and other people (sometimes known as third parties) may be able to intercept, access or alter any information you have sent via email.

Chorley Building Society is not responsible for and cannot accept liability for any damage resulting from open email messages sent to or received by the society.

If you make an enquiry via email, we will respond to you as soon as possible but will not issue any personal information in an electronic format, unless you specifically authorise us to do so, in which case Chorley Building Society will not accept any responsibility or liability if this information is intercepted or viewed by a third party.

Our preferred method of reply would be with a letter or paperwork (known as ‘hard copy’) through the post sent in a timely manner.

Members should beware of emails claiming to come from UK banks and building societies.

These types of fake emails are known as ‘phishing’. These emails typically ask people to visit fraudulent websites to invest money and reveal their personal information.

Chorley Building Society will never send emails asking for confidential information or security details and you should not respond to emails asking you to reveal such information.

We wish to remind our members to be vigilant and if you are unsure or concerned about any communication that seems to be from the society please call us on 01257 235000.

Social media:

Social media is great for keeping up-to-date and sharing general news and information. However, Members should never post any personal details on social media. Similar to our advice on emails, we would recommend Members to keep their personal information safe and secure. We would never ask anyone for personal details over social media. As mentioned earlier, we would contact you privately through letters and paperwork (hard copy) delivered by post.

You can contact us easily through our branches or by telephone.